5 Ways to Improve Guest Engagement Using AR/VR
Glimpse Group

Glimpse Group

Jun 1st, 2021

5 Ways to Improve Guest Engagement Using AR/VR

The hospitality industry has been using AR and VR technologies more and more, as they become more easily accessible. And with guest engagement in this industry, AR and VR tech are a godsend, since they benefit both the healthcare professionals and their patients.

Tech writer Allison Hill from  Elite Assignment Help and  UK Top Writers says, “VR, or virtual reality, allows you to experience a world that isn’t real with 360 degree video. AR, or augmented reality, overlays info and graphics over a real environment.”

These two technologies are similar in their end goals, but are used differently. With that in mind, it’s important to know the difference, before thinking about how you’ll use them. 

So, if you’re looking to implement them in your business though, what’s the best way of doing so? There are several different ways you can use them to improve guest engagement. Here are just a few ways you can use them. 

1. Virtual Hotel Tours

You may have seen the real estate industry use VR to create  home tours This allows people to check out a property, without ever being there. The same tech can be used to create room and hotel tours. These are great, especially if you offer several different room types. They allow the customer to check the location out, pick out the right room and see what the area is like before they book. 

Many find it useful as they can imagine themselves in the space, before they book their stay. It answers a lot of questions, ones that you may have had to field over the phone. That way it saves both you and the customer a lot of time. 

2. Translation

This is something that can be highly useful, especially in popular tourist spots. Tourists that don’t speak the local language are already using tools like Google Translate to help them get around. With AR and VR though, it’s even easier for them to communicate with locals. 

AR tools on a phone, for instance, can overlay the menu of a restaurant in the user’s native language, or translate road signs when the camera is pointed at them. There are all kinds of capabilities when it comes to translation technology. 

Tools like Post Reality lets you use your mobile device to create a multi-sensory experience for visitors, so that they can see and hear what you’re presenting to them. With  AR and VR tech, you can illustrate your presentations by:

3. Beacon Technology

What is beacon technology? Well, it’s not as complicated as one might think.

Beacon technology is where customers are able to access certain information when they reach a certain location. For example, a  restaurant may use it to offer guests info about any special offers they have when they reach the doors. Having special offers at the ready makes the guest arrivals more inviting and complimentary. And who doesn’t love a good offer?

In addition, hotels are already using beacon technology to act as a “virtual key,” allowing their guests to get through certain doors when they’re signed into the Wi-Fi system. “Virtual keys” make guests feel like they’re in an exclusive club, making them feel more special.


4. VR Entertainment

When you think of VR, you’re probably thinking of gaming. It’s been embraced in the video gaming industry, with different headsets and games available to customers. The hospitality industry has been using it too as a way to entertain guests. 

Restaurants can use it in waiting areas, so guests can stay entertained as they’re waiting for a seat. It helps them retain guests, as they’re less likely to go elsewhere when there’s a line. Hotels are also using them too, as they can program several different games into them that appeal to all ages. 

5. Improving Recruitment

As well as customers, 

employees can get a lot out of VR and AR tech in their jobs. 
It’s being used in several different ways, but one way it’s making a difference is in recruitment. 

‘A potential candidate could be several thousand miles away’ says writer Jonathan Key from  UKWritings and  Writing Populist. ‘When you use VR in the recruitment process, they can use it to see just what their work space would look like, how employees work, and more. It gives them a lot of info they wouldn’t have otherwise.’

VR and AR tech in recruitment benefit both the recruiter and the candidate, as they don’t need to book flights or spend time away from their current role to see what’s available. Because of this, they’re more aware of what they’re signing on for, and so employee retention is higher.


These are just a few benefits of AR and VR in improving guest engagement in the hospitality industry. As you can see, AR and VR has already transformed how people do the following in this industry:

When investments are made in new tech, guests will see you’re forward thinking as they benefit from your offerings in AR and VR.

Lauren Groff is a writer with Big Assignments and Lia Help, focusing on hospitality. She also blogs with Academized Review. Her expertise is in VR, and it’s use in guest engagement in several industries.

Glimpse Group

Glimpse Group

The Glimpse Group is a Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Platform Company Comprised of Multiple Software & Services Subsidiaries Creating Innovative VR/AR Solutions (products, software, and consulting services)

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